AVENUE 69, Le blog GAY BIS de philippe2belgique
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Close To Leo Trailer www.PictureThisEntertainment.com
CLOSE TO LEO concerns family... namely, Leo's family. At 21, he's the eldest of four; At 11, Marcel is the youngest. With their relatively young parents, they are a happy and close-knit group. The family loves Leo and accepts his homosexuality, but when they learn of his HIV-positive status, they face a situation that will eventually test all bonds.
The family worries that Marcel is too young to deal with this challenging news, and so they exclude him from family discussions of Leo's health. But one night after dinner Marcel overhears, and the news frightens him. The family pretends everything is fine in front of Marcel -- or perhaps they are just deluding themselves.
Marcel knows something is wrong and wants to hear the truth, but neither his parents nor his brothers will speak openly about the situation.
Facing the prospect of an arduous medical regimen, Leo becomes increasingly frustrated and takes matters in his own hands. When Leo decides not to take "the cocktail", he must explain himself to Marcel and face his own uncertain future.

Close To Leo Trailer www.PictureThisEntertainment.com
CLOSE TO LEO concerns family... namely, Leo's family. At 21, he's the eldest of four; At 11, Marcel is the youngest. With their relatively young parents, they are a happy and close-knit group. The family loves Leo and accepts his homosexuality, but when they learn of his HIV-positive status, they face a situation that will eventually test all bonds.
The family worries that Marcel is too young to deal with this challenging news, and so they exclude him from family discussions of Leo's health. But one night after dinner Marcel overhears, and the news frightens him. The family pretends everything is fine in front of Marcel -- or perhaps they are just deluding themselves.
Marcel knows something is wrong and wants to hear the truth, but neither his parents nor his brothers will speak openly about the situation.
Facing the prospect of an arduous medical regimen, Leo becomes increasingly frustrated and takes matters in his own hands. When Leo decides not to take "the cocktail", he must explain himself to Marcel and face his own uncertain future.

Lun 26 oct 2009
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