AVENUE 69, Le blog GAY BIS de philippe2belgique

"Recherches et regard vers les autres"

Hawaiian Music - Kaleohano Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - IZ Hawaiian music at its best! Pure chicken skin performance by the late Israel Kamakawiwo'ole (IZ) at the 1996 Na Hoku Hanohano Awards.
Listen to this message straight from the heart of Braddah IZ. On the biggest evening for Hawaiian music, the Makaha Sons decides to join Braddah Iz on stage and ho'oponopono all that had happened in their past. As I watched this broadcasted on KFVE I remember being overwhelmed with emotions. It was basically both sides saying sorry through their actions and voices. On June 26, 1997 Israel Kamakawiwo'ole died.
Your music lives on Braddah IZ. Hawaiian Music lovers I share this one with you all. Malama pono from www.pipeline2paradise.com -Pu'ukani

pour les belges: lecabaret.over-blog.com
Mer 6 jan 2010
1 commentaire
bien que n'ayant pas compris les paroles je peu dire que se clip ma vraiment ému!il y as longtemps que cela m'étais arriver !merci p de b pour se moment
c---n - le 06/01/2010 à 22h59