AVENUE 69, Le blog GAY BIS de philippe2belgique


Set in contemporary Singapore, SOLOS follows the endeavors of BOY, MAN and MOTHER. Having been in a relationship with MAN (Lim Yu Beng) for years, BOY (Loo Zihan) eventually grows up and wishes to quit the relationship. Conversely, MAN still wants to be with BOY and for them to settle together. Meanwhile, MOTHER (Goh Guat Kian) is devastated that her son (BOY) has abandoned her and has been in relationship with MAN.
! : Une page pub va s'ouvrir, tu la fermes et tu reviens sur le blog.
Bon film!

Lun 1 fév 2010
1 commentaire
C'est très étrange comme film mais il y a une atmophère interressante...